I am Aramis D'Nivra - that's what I am.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Behaviour Observation #1

Hi peeps, I'm going to write periodically about behaviours (human). From all these years, I've collected (mentally) lots of information about behaviours and this enabled me to understand how the individual mind works and deduce the character of the individual. This allowed me to manage my environment quite well. Well, these observations are mostly subjective and in no way represent accurate psycological data.

Naturally Curious
Some people are naturally curious and have an impetus for gathering knowledge. I think I just described me but what I'm going to talk about is quite different: people who are curious and need to act knowledgeable! Sounds familiar? Read on.

Well, imagine sitting down talking to a friend and someone else (a friend, colleague, etc) from some distance away scrutinizes in your direction, trying to pick up fragments of sound waves coming from you and your friend. Then he/she walks up towards you and starts talking about whatever he/she picked up from that distance and tries to be smarter/more knowledgeable. I didn't talk to you, Bob, so why interfere? Hmmmmm.... It's ok if someone has overhead your conversation and just pops in to add something, but not when that someone is listening for some time and trying to figure out how to intervene in a smarter way!

Huh? What? Yeah, I know I shouldn't point fingers but heck, doesn't that annoy you?

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Lotteries, anyone?

Joyous thy can be
With lots of money
Earned from a lottery
Happy for eternity
No more misery,
Nor any poverty
Illusion it is though
For you reap what you sow
The joy turns to sorrow
Money is earned, as you know
Work hard for your reward
Life will have another regard
The pleasure is thrice worth
Nothing can offer on Earth

[I was inspired to write this poem today when I read an article on MSNBC about lottery winners not being happy. The thing is earning your money gives more pleasure than getting it for free]

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Monday, May 17, 2004

Movies!!! Miam Miam!!

Hey! Lotsa movies coming soon : SpiderMan 2, Shrek 2, Kill Bill 2, Troy, Van Helsing, 13 going on 30 and lots more. So much goodies even if some are a bit crap ;-) HOWEVER, waiting for the movies to show on our theatres, battered and mutilated, is torture. What is Amnesty International doing about that? In this damned little island of mine, we have to wait for the french-dubbed version to be screened around the theatres in France and THEN dumped here.

Ain't that a bitch?

I'm so tired. I'm so lazy. I love the Japanese culture. I love Japan, the country of hard workers. Sometimes, I just want to live there but I guess Japan has no place for a lazy chap like me. Fuck, what's Japan got to do with movies?

Dude, it really sucks to be in my place.

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Friday, May 14, 2004

Interesting definition for "Bra"

bra: (n.) a contraption frequented by most post-pubescent females; a device made of steel and wire used to encase the chest area of a female, so as to offer support and to protect innocent passersby from stray laser beams.

Looks like McGyver could have built a nuclear reactor out of that with the help of a chewing gum. ;-)

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Black & white stripes for bipeds

What's up with road crossing paths? I have to cross the road at least once when I return home from work everyday and that's a hassle! When I wait at a crossing path, the car drivers just seem to think I'm invisible and rush through. They don't even bother to brake when they approach a pedestrian crossing in case someone would need to cross the road. WTF? Even if you do cross the road, they screech-brake their cars and look at you as if they meant to say "Fuck you! You just killed my cruising pleasure!". Damn them.

Next time, I'll get shurikens and drop them on the crossing paths if they don't brake.

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Rebel of a Poem

Wonder why I dream
I'm over the seam
Looking down to the blur
of my emotions, sober
Without knowing what to fear
be it a gun or a spear
Nor knowing what to believe
in this damn world so naive
I wish I were elsewhere
to get a breath of fresh air
My mind is polluted, so much filth
Nothing can remove, I just writhe
Please spare me from the atrocity
Free me from the burden
I can't take any more, show mercy
For too long I'm mistaken

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Suckers Anonymous #2

me > Hello Group!
group > Hello Aramis!
me > Work is pretty shitty these days!
me > All I'm doing is use cases and class diagrams.
me > I agree this is only the design stage but
me > it sucks!
me > I want to get coding right away.
group > (...)
me > However, I'm getting over the feeling of sucking.
me > I'm so depressed. Anyone in for a cunnilingus?

My current "I Suck" level : 10/10

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Dang Dang Dong Ding Dang Dong Ding Dang Dong

Yeah ok you guessed it, that's RHCP and no more guitar playing for some time for me :(
My high E string broke and since I'm broke too I won't be able to buy a complete set of strings before the end of the month. I'm considering either an Ibanez or D'Addario set.

Anyway, I'm so tired these days too that I can't even bother to watch TV + my exams are nearing (next Tuesday) and I have studied shit.

Boo hoo, it sucks too much to be me :(

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Succkage Poem

What is it that makes me think
That the world is a big stink?
Maybe I'm just too lazy
To get up every day hazy
And drag my lame ass to work
Well yes, i'm a big jerk
All this to say a big FUCK
So you should know how I SUCK

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Life is Sh(w)eet

Not an inventive title; I was inspired by Chemical Brother's "Life is Sweet" song. For the moment life is not sweet at all for me. Believe it or not, whether you're of the "life is beautiful" type, life really sucks. We're late on a project at work and we have to work twice as hard. Geezz.. this is troublesome. Someday, I'll have to reflect on my laziness and my reluctance to do work (hehe, sounds like inertia to me!).

Level of "It sucks to be Aramis" : 10/10 !

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

Thoughts on "Origins"

A friend of mine has an interesting post about "Darker Ogirins" that inspired me to write something.

As we all know (or not), the basis of life is pleasure. We feel pleasure when something good happens to us. We feel pain when we are displeased, angry, sad, depressed, hungry, etc. You get the point.

Our present lifestyle has evolved in such a clumsy way with a heavy dependency on money. No Money No Pleasure, No Woman No Cry. Hehe, now you understand my feeling. One is born, goes through the process of learning for one third of his/her life, works for one third of his/her life and retires for the remainder. I have had serious conversations with my mom about money and life that ended up with her being convinced of my insanity!

Anyway, my rant is as follows: Why does one learn? To become intelligent. Why do we need to become intelligent? To get a job. Why do we need a job? To earn money. Why do we need money? To live (who buys your food?). Why do we need to live? I don't know, maybe to reproduce and allow our kids to continue the cycle.

The universe can "live" on by itself without needing us allright. Rocks don't complain or eat or shit or piss or whatever. They just sit there, doing nothing. I wish I could do that - laze all day, without doing anything except maybe eat, shit, piss or whatever ;-) but still earning some dough to buy my food ... and computer hardware.

It sucks to be me, really.

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil

It really sucks to be me

[Suckers Anonymous]

speaker > Group, we have a new member, Aramis.
group > Hello Aramis!
me > Hello Group!
speaker > Aramis will now introduce himself.
me > Hi, uhm, I just turned 21, I'm bored, I'm hungry.
group > (...)
me > uhhh... what's up?
group > (...)
me > (...) Ah well, yes - I suck!
group > (clapping hands!)

Rowan -:|:- Dominique -:|:- Amanda -:|:- Aadil